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  • Writer's pictureJanet Brough

DECLUTTER~40 Bags in 40 Days

As spring approaches and we get into daylight savings time, we look for ways to make our lives more simple. I came upon this website Forty Bags in Forty Days Decluttering Challenge .

I LOVE this concept as it is simple and will clear your living space as well as your mind. It is a forty day period (coinciding with the 40 days of Lent, although not tied into it at all) where you go through your home and declutter one area a day. The 2019 40 Bags in 40 Days™ Challenge starts March 6th and goes to April 20th.

I am seeing this challenge as a purging of sorts that will leave your home and your mind lighter and clearer. The goal is to get rid of one bag (size does not matter) of "stuff" per day. There are several ways to do this. You can have two bags going - one for donations and one for trash. Remember - if you have not used it in six months you probably won't! Another great idea is when you change over your closet to a different season put all the clothes with the hangers facing out (hook). As you wear an item replace it with the hanger facing the inside. At the end of the season what ever has not been turned around, donate!

Here are some reasons (from this website) that support this challenge:

1. Your home should not make you feel overwhelmed or stressed.

2. You likely have (or buy) excess stuff you don’t need.The stuff won’t make you happier.

3. You do not need to be embarrassed.

4. You are not alone in this!

5. You can do this.

So who is up for this challenge? Let me know and we can share ideas. Send me pics of your activities. Let me know what you think.

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